Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Weekend fun

So, this weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday, the campfire group went to the McNary wildlife refuge. I didn't catch how big the refuge is, but it is quite popular with bird watchers. There were a ton of ducks on the river while we were there, and a couple of times they all just took off. It looked like a scene from "The Birds." Pretty crazy. I didn't get to do the whole tour, because Megan was being a turkey and just wanted to sit in the car the whole time. We had a lot of people, more than we usually have for campfire activities (I mean, I was there, so that should tell you something, I've never been to one yet), and I think that along with the new surroundings were a little hard for her to deal with. Anyway, Lori and I took turns, one of us staying with Megan, the other joining the rest of the group for the tour. We took the DSLR camera, so we were kind of the official group photographers. Oh wow, I just realized that we never took a full group photo. Some photographer I am :)! We took well over 100 pictures though. It was a great time, and the kids had a blast. I'll probably post a few of the pictures once I get them all off the camera.

Sunday Megan did the funniest thing. She was having a hard time with church that day, and had been really grumpy with Lori. When they got to church, Lori said she was in trouble, so I made Megan sit on my lap until she calmed down. After a few minutes, she started telling me that I was in trouble. At first I thought she had just mixed up her words, as she does that from time to time. However, she then began saying that I needed to sit on her lap because I was in trouble. After I let her off my lap, she pushed her way on to the seat behind me and proceeded to order me to sit on her lap because I was in trouble. It took a little work, and it wasn't very comfortable, but I somehow arranged it so that I was sitting on her lap... well, sort of. I had my legs across hers, but I was still sitting on the seat of the chair next to me. She made me sit that way the rest of the meeting (about 30 minutes or so). It was pretty funny to hear her say "You're in trouble, sit on Megan's lap!" in a stern voice.

Finally, Lori was released from her calling as the nursery leader. She's pretty excited so that she can once again get involved in the adult activities in the church. She's had several people approach her and wonder if she's inactive. It's pretty funny. Of course, what did she end up doing the first day of freedom? She sat with Hailey in primary. Hailey is having a hard time adjusting to primary. Nursery was a blast. She got to play, eat snacks, and color. Pretty low key. Now she has to sit quietly and listen to a lesson. Pretty tough stuff. Fortunately, she didn't need to stay in their the whole time, and was actually able to go to join the the other adult ladies in their class.

Anyway, that was our weekend.

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