Well, I've failed so far at the "weekly post" thing. My last post was nearly 2 months ago. Right now I'm just sitting in my easy chair, waiting for Hero's to start. I don't watch much television, but I haven't missed an episode of this show. Like just about everyone else, Hiro is one of my favorite characters, his power has to be one of the coolest thing ever. But, I also like Peter. He's the unifying force, the one that believes there is something that they can do to help the world.
This weekend, we had a big birthday party for Evan (my best friend for some 14 years), and Ainsley (the daughter of a friend of ours). For Ainsley, we took all the kids (11 of them) to the local rollerskating rink. Megan (my autistic daughter) did well. The last time we went there, she flipped out. So many people, so much noise. It completely overstimulated her, and she spent pretty much the whole time hiding underneath my coat. I took her for a walk that time, just to give her a break. This time, though she still wouldn't go anywhere near the counter where they handed out the skates, she played happily anywhere else. Sierra started out holding tight to the wall, but after a short time she got a little braver and struck out on her own. By the time we left, she was skating very well on her own. Lori spent her time helping Hailey roll around the rink. It was hard work, and her back was sore the next day. Hailey was torn between having a great time, and being tired of trying to move with the skates on. Afterwards, we went to Evan's house for cake and presents. Evan got the 3D version of "Settlers of Catan" It was a blast to play. I took a ton of pictures with my new toy, a Nikon D50 digital SLR camera. I'll post some later. A good time was had by all.